Project visit descriptions

Aschauteiche Teichwirtschaft & Räucherei (Aschau ponds, pond management & smokehouse) (EMFF)
The ‘Aschauteiche’ company owned by Torben Heese received funding from the EMFF for the projects “Environmental services in carp pond farms” and “Acquisition of time-controlled automatic feeders”. As part of the “Environmental services in carp pond farms” project, income losses resulting primarily from the additional costs of maintaining the ponds are compensated on a pro rata basis. The maintenance of the ponds and dams requires considerable additional effort, as only comparatively simple technical aids may be used. In addition, pond maintenance also includes the regular summering or wintering of individual ponds, whereby these then lie dry for longer periods. This management prevents the ponds from silting up and preserves the carp pond company in the long term. The time-controlled automatic feeders improve the growth conditions of the fish and thus contribute to the stabilization of the company.

TECH 2: Expansion of the technology centre in the SCIENCE AREA 30X | hannoverimpuls (ERDF 14-20)
The expansion of the TECHNOLOGIE ZENTRUM with TECH2 provides 3,100 square metres of additional rentable space for young companies and start-ups, 77 new offices, four additional workstations and six more laboratories. Opening was in May 2023. With the extension, the potential of the mechanical engineering campus in Garbsen for start-ups from universities, technical start-ups, in conjunction with the Hanover Laser Centre, the IPH - Institute for Integrated Production and many technology-oriented companies in the SCIENCE AREA 30X will be fully developed. TECH2 fits seamlessly into the technology and start-up supporting activities in the Hannover Region. Networking, knowledge and technology transfer, as well as co-operation between existing companies in the SCIENCE AREA 30X and scientific institutions within a radius of around 1 km will be further improved. Thanks to the extension, the enlarged technology and start-up centre will provide young companies with a wide range of central services in addition to pure office space, workstations and laboratory space.

“Vielfalt (er)leben” (Living and experiencing diversity) | City of Hildesheim and partners (AMIF)
This AMIF project aims to promote the integration and participation of third-country nationals in the city of Hildesheim. The focus of the measures is on socio-spatial work in the Nordstadt district of Hildesheim, as the largest number of third-country nationals live there, both proportionally and in absolute numbers. As the largest proportion of third-country nationals in Hildesheim belongs to the younger generation, this project is also primarily aimed at the younger generation and their parents. Five different measures are being implemented to achieve the project objective:

  • “Education coach” offers parent work in day care centres
  • “FuNah #bewegt” is an extracurricular learning and exercise programme in the Nordstadt district
  • Open youth work in the Nordstadt children’s and youth centre
  • “Fitness im Viertel Nordstadt” (“Fitness in the Nordstadt neighbourhood”) offers a sport facility with socio-educational support for young adults
  • interreligious/intercultural understanding for adults throughout the city

One of these, “Fitness im Viertel Nordstadt”, adapts a concept of a project in another neighbourhood of Hildesheim, which was awarded the 2023 Lower Saxony Integration Award.

EXPLORE sciencenter | Open MINT in der Region Hildesheim e. V. (ESF)
The “EXPLORE Sciencenter” aims to promote the interest, curiosity and talent of children and young people in the STEM subjects (science, technology, engineering and mathematics). It is made possible by the commitment of a non-profit organisation with a new, very innovative approach. Children can explore independently there, without being tied to a specific topic and without time limits. This prevents any fear of contact with the natural sciences and technology.
The chairman of the association said in an interview: “Every young person can do something, regardless of previous knowledge, gender, age and background. We want to help young people find out what they are good at and (what) they really enjoy.”

Educational pathway orientation through competence development for pupils | Protohaus gGmbH (ESF+)
The Protohaus is a place where children, teenagers and young adults find a learning space where they can try things out, come into contact with different technologies and learn to understand how they work. The Protohaus “makerAcademy” is an extracurricular learning centre, with different educational programmes that offer free, creative and technical work for various target groups. The project BSKM, short for the German title that can be translated as “Educational pathway orientation for pupils through learning pathway-supported, future-oriented skills development in the STEM field (science, technology, engineering and mathematics)”, aims to establish a programme that supports pupils in making good decisions regarding their future career choices and educational pathways based on their skills, interests and abilities.

ANEMOI – Chemical emissions from offshore wind farms: assessing impacts, gaps and opportunities | world leading wave-current flume, Technische Universtität Braunschweig (INTERREG/ERDF 21-27)
The Anemoi project, named after the Greek gods of the winds, aims to characterise chemical emissions from offshore wind farms (OWFs) in the North Sea basin, assess their impact on the marine ecosystem, evaluate opportunities for aquaculture at OWFs and propose effective monitoring tools and reduction measures to ensure sustainable multi-use of the marine environment.
Anemoi will increase our knowledge of the sources of chemical emissions and their potential risks, which is essential information for OWF industry and for policy development. The project will propose regulatory adaptations needed to reach internationally harmonised environmental legislation on OWF emissions within the North Sea area. Anemoi will bring forward solutions to reduce chemical emissions from corrosion protection systems and applied coatings, and will provide necessary elements for its sound management.
To achieve the project objectives a strong participatory stakeholder framework will be established. Here, project partners and stakeholders from industry, policy and the public sector will participate in bi-directional knowledge exchange. This knowledge will be used to guide project activities and proposed reduction measures, as well as to create new findings on the societal landscape that drives OWF development.

“Perspektive Innenstadt!” (City centre perspective) | City of Wolfsburg / Wolfsburg City Marketing (REACT-EU ERDF 14-20)
As part of the REACT-EU measures, Lower Saxony has used the immediate action programme to help cities and municipalities to make their city centres fit for the future, for example through new uses and qualities of stay, more digitalisation and better climate protection.
In September 2021, the city of Wolfsburg received a grant of €1.8 million (90% funding rate) for its participation in Lower Saxony’s “Perspektive Innenstadt!” immediate action programme. With the City of Wolfsburg's own contribution of €200,000 (10%), a total of €2 million was made available at short notice until March 2023 for various sub-projects.
In anticipation of the “Inner City Development Concept”, the possibilities offered by the immediate programme make a significant contribution to the joint design of a sustainable, lively and frequented city centre in Wolfsburg, with its’ task of serving as a central meeting, communication, living and experience place for all Wolfsburg residents.
A total of 13 projects have been developed making use of this funding-opportunity. The projects focus on quality of life, commerce, climate protection, sustainability, digitalisation, transport, and art and culture.

Moor Experience Trail Resse | Region Hannover (ERDF 14-20)
The Resse moor experience trail was opened in 2019 as an addition to the existing moor information centre. A moorland area was created within walking distance in the neighbouring ‘Otternhagener Moor’, where visitors can experience and discover this landscape first-hand.
The aim of the moor experience trail is to familiarise visitors with the moor habitat with its specialised flora and fauna and its special climate function as a carbon sink through personal encounters and to promote acceptance of moor protection measures.
Part of the project visit will be a short hike along the trail. Even though the trail is barrier-free, robust footwear is useful.

“EasyPassSpuren” (EasyPASS lines) at Hannover Airport| Bundespolizei (ISF)
One of the largest projects funded by the ISF/BMVI, with a volume of around €17 million, is about the 243 EasyPass lanes at German airports. EasyPASS is a (partially) automated border control system based on facial image recognition. A document reader checks the electronic passport or electronic ID card and the biometric facial image verification of the traveller checks whether the person entering the country matches the person in the document. The exit door of the EasyPASS lane opens automatically if the document check has been successfully completed, the data comparison with the national and international databases has not identified any wanted persons and no other anomalies have been detected. Although the entry process is monitored by police officers, active intervention is only necessary in the event of a negative check result, an existing wanted notice or malfunctions. The parallel control processes also considerably shorten the control time.

EasyPASS not only supports the police officers deployed, it also speeds up the entry process and thus saves travellers a lot of time.
We will enter the security area of the airport. Prior registration is therefore necessary. Therefore, the names, date of birth of the participants and a copy of the ID will be requested in advance. For the visit, the participants must bring their ID with them. Without this, access cannot be granted.

Holistic utilization of pineapple plants (GaVa – Ganzheitliche Verwertung von Ananaspflanzen) | ecofibre (ERDF 21-27)
“GaVA” is a cooperation project between the start-up Eco:fibr, aqua & waste International GmbH and the University of Hanover (Institute for Multiphase Processes). The project is aimed at the holistic utilisation of previously unused pineapple plants. With the construction of a pilot plant, cellulose extraction is to be scaled up and its industrial suitability validated. The start-up Eco:fibr will present the project, which was launched in 2023.

TECH 2: Expansion of the technology centre in the SCIENCE AREA 30X | hannoverimpuls (ERDF 14-20)
The expansion of the TECHNOLOGIE ZENTRUM with TECH2 provides 3,100 square metres of additional rentable space for young companies and start-ups, 77 new offices, four additional workstations and six more laboratories. Opening was in May 2023.
With the extension, the potential of the mechanical engineering campus in Garbsen for start-ups from universities, technical start-ups, in conjunction with the Hanover Laser Centre, the IPH - Institute for Integrated Production and many technology-oriented companies in the SCIENCE AREA 30X will be fully developed.
TECH2 fits seamlessly into the technology and start-up supporting activities in the Hannover Region. Networking, knowledge and technology transfer, as well as co-operation between existing companies in the SCIENCE AREA 30X and scientific institutions within a radius of around 1 km will be further improved. Thanks to the extension, the enlarged technology and start-up centre will provide young companies with a wide range of central services in addition to pure office space, workstations and laboratory space.

“Handwerk mit FiF“ (Women in leading positions in the skilled trades) | Handwerkskammer Hannover (ESF/ESF+)
Women with leadership prospects in skilled trades are supported in developing/expanding their leadership skills through coaching, counselling, training and mentoring. The project has been run by the Hanover Chamber of Crafts subsidiary since 2017. The current focus is on women in management positions in skilled trades businesses. They are trained through seminars and supported through targeted coaching and a mentoring program. As part of the project visit, participants will have the opportunity to get to know some of the women taking part in the project.

Language training for refugees | KVHS Verden / VHS Hildesheim (CARE ESF)
Language is the central basis for understanding and successful integration. With CARE, Lower Saxony has therefore set up additional language support programmes for people who have fled to Lower Saxony to escape war and terror.
Around two thirds of refugees are adults who can no longer be reached by school programmes. Lower Saxony therefore offers various language courses in adult education centres, in which German language skills are taught quickly and unbureaucratically. These courses are open to refugees regardless of their residence status and country of origin. In some courses, it is also possible to assess the skills that participants bring with them. In terms of a continuous education chain, the courses can be linked to other differentiated measures.

DEFEAT Corona | Hannover Medical School (ERDF 14-20)
“DEFEAT Corona” stands for “DEFEnse Against COVID-19 STudy” and is an interprofessional joint project of the Hannover Medical School, the University Medical Centre Göttingen and the Ostfalia University of Applied Sciences. It has been investigating the long-term consequences of the corona pandemic and the effects of the viral infection with the coronavirus. It has helped to develop a better understanding of the possible long-term consequences of a corona infection and shown ways in which those affected can get better.
Various research projects build on the findings of DEFEAT Corona and thus continue the work of the project in the long term. The follow-up projects (not financed with EU funds) include “ErgoLOCO”, a study on digital ergotherapy for long-Covid patients. A highly regarded study on post-Covid tracking dogs also benefited directly from the results of the DEFEAT Corona study.

Blue Transistion – How to make my region climate resilient | Leibniz-Institut für Angewandte Geophysik (INTERREG/ERDF 21-27)
Blue Transition develops transnational knowledge, measures and strategies for regional groundwater managers and farmers in natural, agricultural and urban areas in the North Sea region.
The project targets a systemic change, a “Blue Transition”, by an integrated water and soil management in times of climate change. One special aspect is to ensure the future availability of good-quality water. A Blue Transition balances often-disconnected activities in urban, agricultural or natural areas, considers a transition in land-use and fosters political structures and governance. Thus, Blue Transition accounts for the complex and crosscutting relationships between climate adaptation and water management. 16 pilots in Denmark, The Netherlands, Sweden, Belgium, France and Germany gain knowledge about the complexity and develop transnational solutions for water boards, farmers, authorities and the society.

Language training for refugees | KVHS Verden / VHS Hildesheim (CARE ESF)
Language is the central basis for understanding and successful integration. With CARE, Lower Saxony has therefore set up additional language support programmes for people who have fled to Lower Saxony to escape war and terror.
Around two thirds of refugees are adults who can no longer be reached by school programmes. Lower Saxony therefore offers various language courses in adult education centres, in which German language skills are taught quickly and unbureaucratically. These courses are open to refugees regardless of their residence status and country of origin. In some courses, it is also possible to assess the skills that participants bring with them. In terms of a continuous education chain, the courses can be linked to other differentiated measures.

“Blut mobil” (Home blood collection in rural areas) | Hannover Medical School (ESF+)
The project “Blut mobil” under the direction of the Hannover Medical School aims to significantly reduce the associated costs for chronically ill patients, especially in rural areas. Therefore, the project is piloting an innovative home blood collection concept with subsequent laboratory dispatch.
The aim is to develop, test and introduce patient-friendly systems for self-blood collection. Chronically ill people are often treated by specialists whose offices are often far away. This makes it difficult for them to make appointments, even if it’s just for a single visit. In these cases, self-blood collection offers enormous potential savings for patients and specialists.

Future Health Lab | hannoverimpuls (ESF+)
The Future Health Lab aims to implement new solutions for the healthcare market. Health-related and start-up teams, as well as intrapreneurs and entrepreneurs, work together with the Future Health Lab to develop interdisciplinary ideas. To this end, a supportive network and test environment consisting of multipliers and mentors will be established and financing structures will be identified.

SALCOS® – program for Low CO2 Steel Production| Salzgitter AG (RRF)
The SALCOS® (Salzgitter Low CO2 Steelmaking) project is creating the basis for virtually climate-neutral steel production. The key elements of the programme are electricity from renewable sources and its use to produce hydrogen by electrolysis. This green hydrogen will replace the currently used coal in the conventional blast furnace process. This is made possible by so-called direct reduction plants, in which iron ore is reduced to iron directly in solid state by using hydrogen. This technology emits water vapour instead of CO2.

/!\ Please note, early departure at 7:30, 90 min. by bus to Göttingen

The City of Göttingen will present the contributions of EU-funding to its joint efforts regarding climate change resilient cities.

COOL CITIES | City of Göttingen (INTERREG/ERDF 21-27)
Cities in the North Sea Region (NSR) are confronted with heat stress more often, longer, and with warmer temperatures as a result of climate change. Urban areas tend to experience 4 to 7°C higher air temperature than their rural surroundings, especially during the night. Heat stress leads to public health issues, impairs vital economic functions, and has an impact on the liveability of our cities. Unfortunately, NSR-cities are relatively inexperienced in dealing with heat stress.
In the COOL CITIES project, local/regional authorities, a sectoral agency and knowledge institutions will jointly work on making cities in the North Sea Region more heat resilient. They do this by realising a network of cool routes and cool spots in outdoor urban areas: a Cool Network.
As heat stress is only one of the challenges faced by NSR-cities, solutions must be aligned with other urban challenges to ensure the long-term feasibility of the network. Moreover, limited resources in NSR-cities require cost-effective solutions that have proven to be successful. The Cool Network will also have special attention for residents that are most vulnerable to heat stress due to their young/old age, illnesses/disabilities and/or socio-economic situation.

Climate-friendly reconstruction and redesign of the market square in Göttingen | City of Göttingen (REACT-EU ERDF 14-20)
Göttingen’s market square, with its important functions as an event venue and place to spend time, has being redesigned and upgraded in a climate-friendly way. This measure was part of the “Perspektive Innenstadt!” programme.

/!\ Please note, early departure at 7:30, 90 min. by bus to Göttingen

FORUM WISSEN | Georg-August-Universität Göttingen (ERDF 14-21)
The FORUM WISSEN is an interdisciplinary university museum at the Georg-August-Universität Göttingen. This new “knowledge museum” has been realised with the support of ERDF funds and opened in June 2022. The over 1,500 exhibits in the twelve "rooms of knowledge" come from the university's more than 40 academic collections. Opening in May 2022, the “FORUM WISSEN” brings together the exhibits from the University of Göttingen’s more than 40 collections to create a “Museum of Knowledge”. Both the renovation of the building and the basic exhibition were supported with ERDF funds.

BROTHERS – Violence prevention for (refugee) young people supported by HEROES | Bonveno Göttingen gGmbH (ESF)
The project focuses on peer work and dialogue with young male especially in the context of honour, and for the first time also addresses young refugee men. The overall social project approach has been proven to be successful in addressing both traditional role models and the associated legitimisation of violence as well as social conditions. BROTHERS was awarded both the Lower Saxony Social Award 2021 and the Lower Saxony Integration Award 2022.